Facility Licensing
The Langlade County Health Department Environmental Health Staff work as an agent of the Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection to provide licensing and inspection services to establishments in Langlade County.
This includes the licensing and regulation of food operations, retail operations, lodging establishments, campgrounds, swimming pools, and tourist rooming houses. All licensed establishments that serve the public are inspected by the Langlade County Health Department annually to ensure adherence to state and local regulations.
To view inspection reports click here. To view inspection reports for Recreational and Educational camps click here.
Below is information on the different license categories, definitions, applications and helpful documents.
If you wish to file a complaint on a licensed establishment, click the button below.
Retail Food Establishment - Serving Meals:
“Retail food establishment- serving meals” means a permanent retail food establishment operating as a restaurant where the total meal sales exceed 50% of all retail food sales. A retail food establishment- serving meals includes any building, room, or place where meals are prepared, served, or sold to the general public and all places used in connection with the building, room, or place; and any public or private school lunchroom for which food service is provided by contract.
Retail Food Establishment Not Serving Meals:
A permanent retail food establishment where food processing is conducted primarily for direct retail sale of “time/temperature controlled for safety food” to consumers at the facility, and the total non-meal sales exceed 50% of all retail food sales.A permanent retail food establishment from which food is sold to consumers at retail, whether or not that facility sells “time/temperature controlled for safety food” or processes food, and the total non-meal sales exceed 50% of all retail food sales.
Retail Food Establishment Applications:
Retail Food Establishment Plan Review Application
Retail Food Establishments Serving Meals License Application
Retail Food Establishments Not Serving Meals License Application
Mobile Retail Food Establishment:
A mobile retail food establishments means a restaurant or retail food establishments where food is served or sold from a movable vehicle, intrastate railway car, push cart, trailer, or boat which periodically or continuously changes locations and requires a service base to accommodate the unit for servicing, cleaning, inspection and maintenance.
Mobile Retail Food Establishment Applications:
Mobile Retail Food Establishment Plan Review Application
Mobile Retail Food Establishment Serving Meals License Application
Mobile Retail Food Establishment Not Serving Meals License Application
Transient (Temporary) Retail Food Establishment:
A food establishments that operates at a fixed location for a period of no more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration such as a fair, carnival, circus, public exhibition, anniversary sale or occasional sales promotion.
Transient Retail Food Establishment Application:
Transient Retail Food Establishment License Application
ATCP 75-Retail Food Establishments
ATCP 75 Appendix - WI Food Code
Plan Review Guidelines
Handwash Sign
Handwashing Basics
Employee Illness Reporting Agreement
3 Compartment Sink Steps
Bare Hand Contact
Vomit & Diarrhea Clean Up
Vomit & Diarrhea Clean Up Kit
Consumer Advisories
Safe Food Temperature Info Poster
Cross Contamination Info Poster
Holding Temperature Info Poster
Date Marking of Ready-To-Eat Foods
Demonstration of Knowledge
Proper Use of Gloves
Food Safety for Exempt Groups
Storing & Thawing Vacuum-Packaged Fish
Packaging Food Labeling Guidance
Retail Labeling Requirements
Refrigerator Storage Chart
When is a HACCP or VarianceNeeded?
Temporary Food Service Guidelines
Supply List for Transient Retail Food Establishments
Properly Calibrating your Thermometer
Temperature Cooking Guidelines
Potluck GuidelinesMost licensed food establishments must have at least one certified food protection manager.
For a listing of food manager certification exams accepted in Wisconsin visit here.
Hotel: A place where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to transients in 5 or more rooms and all related rooms, buildings and areas.
Motel: A hotel that furnishes on-premise parking for motor vehicles of guests as part of the room charge, without extra cost, and that is identified as a “motel" rather than a“hotel" at the request of the operator.
Tourist Rooming House: All lodging places and tourist cabins and cottages, other than hotels and motels, in which sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to tourists or transients.
Bed & Breakfast: Any place of lodging that provides 8 or fewer rooms for rent to no more than a total of 20 tourists or other transients for more than 10 nights in a 12-month period, is the owner's personal residence, is occupied by the owner at the time of rental, and in which the only meal served to guests is breakfast.
Lodging License Application:
Lodging License Application
Pool: Means a structure, basin, chamber, or tank, and appurtenant buildings and equipment, used for wading, swimming, diving, water recreation, or therapy. Types of pools include pools used for swimming, combination pools, diving pools, exercise pools, experiential pools, mobile pools, therapy pools, wading pools, whirlpools, and cold soak pools.
Water Attraction: Public facility with design and operational features that provide patron recreational activity other than conventional swimming and involves partial or total immersion of the body. Types of water attractions include activity pools, interactive play attractions, leisure rivers, plunge pools, vortex pools, vanishing edge pools, waterslides, run-out slides, drop slides, pool slides, wave pools, zero-depth entry pools, and any public pool with play features except wading pools.
Pool & Water Attraction License Application:
Pool & Water Attraction License Application
ATCP 76- Safety, Maintenance, Operation of Public Pools & Water Attractions
CDC Fecal Incident Response Recommendations
Cleaning Up Body Fluid Spills on Pool Surfaces
Operation Report for Pools with Controllers
Operation Report for Pools without Controllers
Operation Report for Whirlpools with Controllers
Operation Report for Whirlpools without Controllers
Campground: A parcel or tract of land owned by a person, state, or local government that is designed, maintained, intended, or used for the purpose of providing campsites offered with or without charge, for temporary overnight sleeping accommodations.
Campground License Applications:
Campground Plan Review Application
Campground License Application
Recreational Educational Camp
Recreational Educational Camp: A premises, including temporary and permanent structures, that is operated as an overnight living quarters where both food and lodging or facilities for food and lodging are provided for children or adults or both children and adults for a planned program of recreation or education, and that is offered free of charge or for payment of a fee by a person or by the state or a local unit of government.
Recreational Educational Camp License Application:
Recreational Educational Camp License Application
Micro Market
Micro Market: Indoor, unstaffed, self-checkout kiosk that sells food and beverages to a limited group of people, such as employees, and not the general public.
Micro Market License Application:
Micro Market License Application